I actively engage In reprogramming my subconscious!!

Meditation, hypnosis and emotion code technique, theta healing, and Somatic experiencing. Reregulating the nervous system post trauma through movement, breath, and even acupuncture!!

For the last 4 weeks I have also started working out with a trainer!! Nicole Wolfe with The Training Den Helena is beyond fabulous. I love her movement combinations, attention to functional alignment and corrective exercises to support and develop the “weak spots.”

Through my journey and understanding that “the body keeps the score,” (great book) I know that I am working out trauma from my body. Reintegration with mind, body an spirit.

Yesterday was trauma therapy, Somatic experiencing and I was reminded, “no one dissociated for fun” I didn’t check out of my body and mind for fun, I did it for survival. And working through in safe places to welcome myself back home to me. On all levels..curious as explore muscle fibers and connective tissue as a part of me. Allowing all parts of me to be present and fully loved and embraced. That is what this journey has been for me.

I am thankful to cultivate and share my gifts of presence and holding space for others on their path with yoga, movement, breath, meditation, as well as emotion code technique. Releasing the energetic baggage that are the “issues in your tissues”

After 4, once per week l, sessions I am noticing improvements already. Strength in my side body to support upright mobility that isn’t compacted. Strengthening in my shoulders and rhomboids to take the demand and pressure off my my traps (where I held all of tension which lead to dehibilitating headaches)

It’s all the things. Not sure just one..and lead by the Divine in all of It. I am so grateful.

If you are looking to start or improve your wellness journey, please reach out. I’d love to hear where you are at. What you are doing or have done and where you would like to go.

If anything just to connect and I am happy to cheer you on. My Two cents is always free!!

NAMASTE friends!!

Thank you to everyone on the path who has supported, challenged, loved and hated me.